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Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

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Does diet constrain the occupation of high elevations by macropods? A comparison between Macropus rufogriseus and Wallabia bicolor

K. Green A D , N. E. Davis B and W. A. Robinson C
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A National Parks and Wildlife Service, Snowy Mountains Region, PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627, Australia.

B Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010, Australia.

C School of Environmental Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona, NSW 2641, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Mammalogy 36(2) 219-228
Submitted: 22 November 2013  Accepted: 9 June 2014   Published: 3 July 2014

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