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Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

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Diet of the Large-footed Myotis Myotis Mcropus at A Forest Stream Roost in Northern New South Wales

B Law and CA Urquhart
22(2) pp.121 - 124

21 articles found in Crossref database.

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Almenar D., Aihartza J., Goiti U., Salsamendi E., Garin I.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2013 67(2). p.311
Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
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Aizpurua Ostaizka, Aihartza Joxerra, Alberdi Antton, Baaøge Hans J., Garin Inazio
Journal of Experimental Biology. 2014
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Stadelmann B., Herrera L. G., Arroyo-Cabrales J., Flores-Martínez J. J., May B. P., Ruedi M., Miller Edward H.
Journal of Mammalogy. 2004 85(1). p.133
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Aizpurua Ostaizka, Alberdi Antton
Mammal Review. 2018 48(4). p.284
The ecological response of insectivorous bats to coastal lagoon degradation
Clarke-Wood Bradley K., Jenkins Kim M., Law Brad S., Blakey Rachel V.
Biological Conservation. 2016 202 p.10
Floodplain habitat is disproportionately important for bats in a large river basin
Blakey Rachel V., Kingsford Richard T., Law Brad S., Stoklosa Jakub
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Aihartza Joxerra, Almenar David, Salsamendi Egoitz, Goiti Urtzi, Garin Inazio
Acta Chiropterologica. 2008 10(2). p.287
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Zoomorphology. 2017 136(2). p.251
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Australian Mammalogy. 2016 38(2). p.213

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