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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Growth of Nestling and Juvenile Platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus).

T.R. Grant and P.O. Temple-Smith

Australian Mammalogy 20(2) 221 - 230
Published: 1998


Body lengths and bill dimensions were recorded from 26 nestling platypuses from various museum collections and from published records. In nestling platypuses less than 3 months old bill width was greater than length, but this was reversed in older nestlings and in juveniles of both sexes. Nestlings grew from a body length of approximately 5 cm (~ 1 week of age) to 34 cm (14-17 weeks). Comparative data on growth of captive nestlings while sparse, supported the general trends seen in nestlings collected for this study. Body lengths and weights were also recorded from 219 (113 female; 106 male) platypuses which had been captured initially as juveniles in the upper Shoalhaven River. New South Wales. Recaptures resulted in 358 separate (215 female; 143 male) records from these animals. At emergence from the breeding burrow in January/February, juvenile males were significantly larger than females. Juvenile males had a mean body length of 41.2 (S.D.± 2.8) and females 37.5 (S.D.± 2.0) cm respectively (p

© Australian Mammal Society 1998

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