Some aspects of predatory behaviour of the Quoll, Dasyurus viverrinus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae).
S. M. Pellis and J. E. Nelson
Australian Mammalogy
7(1) 5 - 15
Published: 1984
Two captive-born, adult male Dasyurus viverrinus were given two categories of prey: smaii-(Mouse-)sized and large-(Rat-)sized vertebrates. A total of 58 encounters were recorded, 53 of which led to the prey being killed. Twenty-nine encounters were recorded with Super 8 cine film. Several behavioural patterns used to capture and kill prey were identified. Both the behavioural patterns themselves and their organization in a killing sequence exhibited considerable modifiability in response to stimulus characteristics of the prey (i.e. size and behaviour) and to specific circumstances arising in a given sequence. These observations suggest that D. viverrinus has a predatory capability in many respects comparable with similar-sized placental carnivores.
© Australian Mammal Society 1984