Notomys macrotis Thomas, 1921, a poorly known Australian hopping mouse [Rodentia: Muridae].
J. A. Mahoney
Australian Mammalogy
1(4) 367 - 374
Published: 1975
Notomys macrotis Thomas, 1921, a poorly known, seemingly extinct hopping mouse, was named for two skins and skulls. Some features of those specimens are described and measurements are given. The holotype is figured. N. macrotis is very closely related to Notomys cervinus (Gould, 1853). The validity of the name Macrotis Thomas, 1921 is affirmed. Notomys mitchllii richardsonii (Gray, 1875) is the valid name of the Western Australian form of N. mitchellii (Ogilby, 1838) should that form be subspecifically distinct from N. m. mitchellii of eastern Australia. A lectotype is selected for Hapalotis richardsonii Gray, 1875.
© Australian Mammal Society 1975