Exploratory behaviour in northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in Tropical North Queensland, Australia
Wendy A. Callaway A , Sarah E. Kerr A B and Tasmin L. Rymer
Little is known of bandicoot and bilby (i.e. Peramelemorphia) exploratory behaviour (e.g. activity in an open field arena). In a pilot study, we assessed activity of 14 adult male northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in a modified open field over two nights. While we found no consistent intra-individual variation, males in poorer body condition were in better breeding condition, suggesting a possible trade-off between reproduction and maintenance. Older males with larger testes and in better breeding condition reduced activity from Day 1 to Day 2, possibly to minimise energetic expenditure. Our pilot study of the exploratory behaviour of northern brown bandicoots suggests interesting avenues for future research in Peramelemorphia behaviour generally.
Keywords: activity, exploration, inter-individual variation, marsupial, Peramelemorphia, repeatability, trade-off.
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