Remote camera monitoring and arboreal trapping methods used to evaluate the outcomes of a reintroduction of red-tailed phascogales (Phascogale calura) in Western Australia
Georgina E. Anderson

Effective monitoring methods are required to evaluate the success of wildlife reintroduction programs. To improve the threat status of the Vulnerable red-tailed phascogale (Phascogale calura), the Australian Wildlife Conservancy reintroduced the species to a fenced reserve at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary. After trialling a variety of post-release monitoring methods, remote camera monitoring and arboreal trapping with an extensive period of pre-luring provided the most information with which to evaluate the success of the reintroduction. To date, reintroduced red-tailed phascogales have increased in both occupancy and population size following releases which began at Mt Gibson in 2017. Other managers of red-tailed phascogale populations may find the described methods useful, particularly in the context of multi-species reintroductions where trap saturation can reduce capture rates of smaller species, such as phascogales.
Keywords: conservation translocations, Dasyuridae, fenced reserve, mammal reintroductions, marsupial, monitoring methods, multi-species reintroductions, red-tailed phascogale.
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