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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Immediate post-release survival of eastern barred bandicoots Perameles gunnii at Woodlands Historic Park, Victoria, with reference to fox activity.

K Long , AJ Robley and K Lovett

Australian Mammalogy 27(1) 17 - 25
Published: 2005


On mainland Australia, eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) are now restricted to a single wild population at Hamilton in western Victoria, and recovery efforts are focussed on establishing new populations at reintroduction sites. The success in founding these populations has been variable, and post-release survival has not been accurately quantified. It is believed that predation by the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is largely responsible for post-release loss of P. gunnii, despite the implementation of predator control programs at release sites. An intensive fox control program was established to protect 10 released P. gunnii at Woodlands Historic Park, near Melbourne. Monitoring of fox activity was undertaken prior to and after the release in an attempt to better understand the effectiveness of control operations. Seven bandicoots were known to be alive at the conclusion of the study five weeks after their release (and an additional animal was trapped four months later), with weight loss appearing to be an important factor in determining post-release survival. Despite constant levels of bait-take by V. vulpes, fox activity measured from sand-pads remained high. We hypothesise that the presence of suitable refugia is allowing the persistence of a low-density bandicoot population at Woodlands despite constant, high levels of fox activity.

© Australian Mammal Society 2005

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