Australian Health Review
Volume 33 Number 4 2009
AH090533Trends in the paramedic workforce: a profession in transition
Catherine M Joyce, Jo Wainer, Frank Archer, Andrea Wyatt and Leon Pitermann
pp. 533-540
AH090541Anger and depression predict hospital use among chronic heart failure patients
Roslyn C Jenner, Robert D Schweitzer and Esben S Strodl
pp. 541-548
AH090549Exploring the impact of an Aboriginal Health Worker on hospitalised Aboriginal experiences: lessons from cardiology
Kate P Taylor, Sandra C Thompson, Marianne M Wood, Mohammed Ali and Lyn Dimer
pp. 549-557
AH090560The Breast Service Psychosocial Model of Care Project
Bruce G Mann and Lauren K Williams
pp. 560-565
AH090566Perceptions of multidisciplinary case conferencing in residential aged care facilities
Elizabeth J Halcomb, Rhonda Griffiths and Bernadette M Sheperd
pp. 566-571
AH090572The distribution of health services for older people in Australia: where does transition care fit?
Lynne C Giles, Julie A Halbert, Maria Crotty, Ian D Cameron and Len C Gray
pp. 572-582
AH090583The impact of the Coronial Communiqué on changing patient safety: a subscriber survey
Johnathon P Ehsani and Joseph E Ibrahim
pp. 583-591
AH090592How far can systematic reviews inform policy development for “wicked” rural health service problems?
John S Humphreys, Pim Kuipers, Leigh A D Kinsman, Robert Wells, Judith Jones and John Wakermann
pp. 592-600
AH090601Projecting subacute inpatient activity in New South Wales
Andrew Gibbs, James E Pearse, Neill Jones, Jennifer A Sheehan, Kathleen T Meleady and Hirani Jayasinha
pp. 601-610
AH090611Global warming and Australian public health: reasons to be concerned
Peng Bi and Arthur Saniotis
pp. 611-617
AH090618Refugees and oral health: lessons learned from stories of Hazara refugees
Cathryn E Finney Lamb, Cecily Michaels and Anna Klinken Whelan
pp. 618-627
AH090636Insights from the Northern Territory on factors that facilitate effective palliative care for Aboriginal peoples
Emma L Phillips and Pam D McGrath
pp. 636-644
AH090645Patient and carer perceptions of cancer care in South Australia
Kerri R Beckmann, Ian N Olver, Brenda Wilson, David M Roder, Linda M Foreman and Graeme P Young
pp. 645-655
AH090656Delirium in the elderly. A survey of environmental policies and procedures in Melbourne hospitals
Rosie Watson, Dina C LoGiudice, Ray Watson and Caroline A Brand
pp. 656-662
AH090663Physiotherapy-led triage clinic for low back pain
Megan S Blackburn, Cary Nall, Belinda Cary and Sallie M Cowan
pp. 663-670
AH090671An evaluation of community-based resources for management of diabetes-related foot disorders in an Australian population
Shan M Bergin, Don A Campbell, Peter G Colman and Caroline A Brand
pp. 671-678
AH090679The status of Australian nurse practitioners: the first national census
Anne Gardner, Phillip R Della, Sandy Middleton and Glenn E Gardner
pp. 679-689
AH090690Is there a role for podiatric surgeons in public hospitals? An audit of surgery to the great toe joint in Victoria, 1999–2003
Priscilla Ribonson and Mark F Gilheany
pp. 690-695