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Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

Development of a novel and more holistic approach for assessing impact in health and medical research: the Research Impact Assessment Framework

Robyn L. Ward A * , Don Nutbeam B , Wilfred Mijnhardt C , Philip Nelson D , Angela Todd B , Mark I. Rees A , Janine Richards A , Nadia N. Khan E , Isaac Ho E and Sean Chung E
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

B Sydney Health Partners, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

C Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

D Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK.

E Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, Melbourne, Vic. 3000, Australia.

* Correspondence to:

Australian Health Review 47(5) 589-595
Submitted: 9 August 2023  Accepted: 25 August 2023   Published: 11 September 2023

© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of AHHA. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)


Considered investment in health and medical research (HMR) is critical for fostering a healthcare system that is sustainable, effective, responsive, and innovative. While several tools exist to measure the impact of research, few assess the research environment that nurtures and supports impactful research and the strategic alignment of research with societal needs. This perspective article discusses the limitations of existing assessment tools and presents a novel Research Impact Assessment Framework designed to enable more strategic and targeted investment towards HMR, having the potential for significant public benefit.

Keywords: governance, health policy, health system, impact, investment decisions, performance and evaluation, research funding, translation, value.

Overview of health and medical research

Australia has an internationally competitive health and medical research (HMR) ecosystem, generating transformative discoveries including the artificial heart valve, in vitro fertilisation, and the human papillomavirus vaccine.1 This research generates significant socioeconomic benefit, with a recent evaluation highlighting that every A$1 spent on HMR more than triples the return in health benefits.2 While research is critical for driving improved health outcomes and economic benefit, not all research generates this impact. Basic research is considered globally as the principal beneficiary of HMR investment,3 however only 2–21% of basic research is associated with clinical advances.4 Australia allocates much of its expenditure towards basic research, but scores poorly in international innovation rankings.5

Research impact assessment

Research impact assessments are critical in promoting the conduct of impactful and value-based research. Traditional methods focus on productivity metrics, such as bibliometrics and funding track record, with broader health and socioeconomic impacts generally not considered.6 These traditional metrics are increasingly recognised by government and policymakers as insufficient in assessing ‘real world’ research value.79

There has been considerable investment in devising methods for the wider assessment of research impact. Originating in Australia in the early 2000s,10 these methods were refined in the United Kingdom through the Research Excellence Framework (REF),11 a performance-based research funding system that evaluates the non-academic impacts of research12,13 and incentivises universities to promote the impacts. Criticisms of the REF have included its applicability only to universities and its operational cost.14

Subsequently, several newer frameworks have sought to measure the socioeconomic impacts of research, including notable Australian examples1517 (Table 1). However these have not typically assessed key attributes such as research environment or strategic alignment to the priorities of funders and beneficiaries. Culture and support for researchers are considered the most influential environmental predictors of research productivity,18 yet only a few of the identified frameworks assess the research environment.12,19 Medical research should ultimately contribute towards developing purposeful, real-world solutions aligned to societal needs, yet less than half of the identified frameworks explicitly assess this alignment.15,16,2022 In Australia in the financial year 2022, the Federal, State, and Territory health departments invested billions of dollars into HMR,23 highlighting the importance of the strategic alignment of research. Additionally, existing frameworks often fail to assess research in non-academic settings,12,19,22 discounting the impacts of HMR conducted in the not-for-profit and private sectors.23

Table 1.Summary of health-related research impact assessment frameworksA used to guide decision making.

Framework (year published)Country of originFoundational frameworksDescriptionImpact assessment categoriesIndicatorsTarget groupAlignment to national, state or community health priorities
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Impact Framework (2009)20CanadaPayback, program logic and Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchA logic model that measures return on investment in health research. It is not a rating or scoring system and must be adapted based on user’s needs.
  • Advancing knowledge

  • Building capacity

  • Informing decision making

  • Health impact

  • Broad socioeconomic impacts

Menu of 66 qualitative and quantitative indicators/metricsRange of funder and research typesYes (considers health status and function, well-being and economic conditions as a precursor of logic model)
Comprehensive Research Metrics Logic Model for National Institute of Health Environmental Health Group (2008)26USALogic modelA logic model that defines the relationship between environmental health research grant programs and outcomes related to health, society, environment, economics and quality of life. It is not a rating or scoring system.
  • Resources (inputs)

  • Activities

  • Outputs

  • Outcomes (short, medium and long-term)

  • Contextual factors (environment)

  • Reservoir of knowledge

Various metrics including grants, patents, investigator professional development, community outreach, policy changes, and societal changesNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, other government (federal, state, and local) agencies, grantee institutions, business and industry, and community partnersNo
CSIRO Impact Evaluation Framework (2020)16AustraliaLogic modelAims to inform allocation, analysis, advocacy, and accountability for work undertaken by CSIRO.
  • Economic impact

  • Environmental impact

  • Social Impact

Cost-benefit/statistical metrics, bibliometrics, qualitativeCSIRO (primarily) and other Australian publicly funded research organisationsYes (address local, regional, national, or global need)
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) (2010)25Australian/aERA is the Australian Government’s national research evaluation framework which assesses quality of research, using a 5-point rating system, conducted in Australian universities.
  • Research quality

  • Research activity

  • Research application

Bibliometrics and case studiesAustralian higher education institutionsNo
Horizon Europe Key Impact Pathways (2021)21European Union (EU)n/aHorizon Europe is the EU’s framework program for research and innovation. The Impact Pathways outline the societal/economic effects and benefits of the program or European science.
  • Scientific impact

  • Societal impact

  • Towards technological/economic impact

Metrics such as bibliometrics, human capital, collaborations, policy, economic outcomesHorizon Europe funded research programsYes (addressing EU policy priorities and global challenges through research and innovation)
Hunter Medical Research Institute Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research (FAIT) (2016)15AustraliaModified payback, economic analysis, narratives and program logic modelFAIT encourages and measures research translation and research impact and uses a scorecard approach to reporting outcomes and impact.
  • Advance knowledge

  • Clinical implementation

  • Community benefit

  • Legislation and policy

  • Economic impact

  • Social return on investment

Benefits (including publications, health outcomes, policy, and societal impact), economic outcomes, case studiesHealth-related research programsYes (community needs that are being addressed by research is included in case study)
Institute for Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) Kellogg Logic Model – World Health Organization (WHO) Health Services Assessment Model27USALogic modelThe ITHS framework is a mix of the Kellog Logic Model and the WHO’s Health Services Assessment Model. It is designed to assess the value added to translational research that is funded by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program.
  • Relevance

  • Process

  • Impact

  • Equity

  • Sustainability

  • Adequacy

  • Efficiency

  • Effectiveness

Metrics and value-based indicatorsCTSA sites, University of WashingtonNo
The Matrix (2004)28USAn/aThe Matrix is a score-based framework which assesses the performance of individual faculty members across the full spectrum of non-clinical engagement.
  • Research

  • Education Scholarship

  • Administration or services

Metrics such as, grants, patents, teaching hours/student supervision, and bibliometricsNon-clinical faculties (e.g. teaching, basic science, translation, clinical research) at the Temple University School of MedicineNo
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) (1993)19Hong Kongn/aThe RAE aims to increase accountability of researchers, guide future research funding decisions, and provide input into the research environment and translation process.
  • Research outputs

  • Impact

  • Environment

Research outputs, impact overview statements, and impact case studiesHong Kong University Grants Committee-funded universitiesNo
Research Excellence Framework (REF) (2014)12UKn/aThe REF assesses the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. It aims to increase accountability of researchers (and funding allocation) as well as provide input into the research environment and translation process (through benchmarking).
  • Quality of outputs

  • Impact beyond academia

  • Environment that supports research

Bibliometrics, impact statement, case studiesUK higher education institutionsNo
Research Performance Evaluation Framework (RPEF) (2012)29Australian/aThe RPEF is a score-based framework which assesses research performance specifically for a medical research institute and uses outcomes to inform strategic goals and internal funding decisions.
  • Knowledge creation

  • Inputs to research

  • Commercial, clinical, and public health outcomes

Publications, technical papers, grants, students, outcomesMurdoch Children’s Research InstituteNo
Standard Evaluation Protocol (2015)22Netherlandsn/aA scoring system that assesses the quality and the relevance of research to society and informs opportunities for improvement.
  • Research quality

  • Relevance to society

  • Viability

  • PhD programs

  • Research integrity

  • Diversity

Self-assessment by research unit (including metrics and narrative around finances, bibliometrics, grants, public engagements, patents, prizes) and site visitDutch universities and Dutch Scientific Research Institutes (NWO) and Academy institutesYes (relevance to society)
CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; USA, United States of America; UK, United Kingdom.
A Note: this is not an exhaustive list of all research impact assessment frameworks but rather a selection of frameworks that are currently widely adopted and operationalised across their respective jurisdictions. Theoretical or conceptual frameworks such as the payback model, the balance score card, and Lean and Six Sigma Techniques upon which more recent operationalised frameworks are based are not listed. Discontinued frameworks such as The Program Assessment Rating Tool are also not listed; adapted from Cruz Rivera et al.,30 Deeming et al.,17 and Graham et al.31

Acknowledging the limitations of existing frameworks, we designed a novel Research Impact Assessment Framework (RIAF) that assesses the health and societal impacts of HMR, the research environment, and the strategic alignment of research with societal needs. The RIAF was developed through an iterative process involving extensive literature review and consultations with global experts, the details of which will be described in a future publication. Ultimately it is intended that the RIAF will enable research funders to support more strategic and targeted investment towards HMR with greater public benefit.

Components of the RIAF

The RIAF introduces a more comprehensive approach to assess the research impact of an organisation, based on two assessment domains; Research Environment (RE) and Alignment and Influence of Research (AIR) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.

Overview of the novel RIAF.


Research Environment domain

The RE domain of the RIAF encompasses two sub-domains: Capability and Translation. The Capability sub-domain intends to evaluate an organisation’s ability to cultivate an environment that facilities high-quality and responsible research, and to foster the development of skills and expertise among its researchers to deliver impactful research. The Translation sub-domain assesses the extent to which an organisation’s research environment supports the translation of research findings into tangible impacts, recognising that translation and implementation activity does not come naturally to many researchers, and requires resourcing and partnerships with end users.

By considering the RE as a critical assessment domain, the RIAF emphasises the importance of creating a supportive and responsible ecosystem that fosters high-quality research, innovation, and collaboration. It encourages organisations to invest in the infrastructure, resources, and collaboration mechanisms needed to translate research outputs into impactful outcomes. This goal is consistent with the recent Australian Universities Accord Interim Report highlighting the need for research to deliver widespread impact through translation and use.24

Alignment and Influence of Research domain

The AIR domain goes beyond the traditional focus on academic outputs to encompass the broader societal impacts of research. It is designed to assist health ministries and organisations in aligning their investment in research with health services priorities and community expectations. This domain comprises two sub-domains: Alignment to Priorities and Influence of Research. The Alignment to Priorities sub-domain intends to evaluate the extent to which the research is relevant and congruent with end-user needs. The Influence of Research sub-domain seeks to measure how well organisational research programs impact on policy and practice, health and wellbeing, the economy, sustainability, and the organisation’s reputation and brand.

In the RIAF, assessment processes extend beyond academic audiences, and encompass the health, not-for-profit, and private sectors. This cross-sectoral evaluation of research initiatives provides a holistic view of the HMR ecosystem and creates avenues for non-academic institutions to access funding and resources.

Assessment tools

We are currently pilot-testing two streamlined data collection tools to reduce the administrative burden associated with traditional research impact assessments:12,20 an online survey completed by a sample of research active staff to assess the RE domain, and an impact case study template to assess the AIR domain. Emerging technologies, including intelligent document processing and machine learning, will be trialled to automate data collection.

Unlike traditional ranking-based approaches to funding,12,19,22,25 the RIAF provides funding bodies with information on capability and/or capacity gaps that could be addressed to promote responsible impact generation, fostering a more sustainable and equitable HMR ecosystem.


The RIAF is undergoing pilot-testing to evaluate its acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness. The results of the pilot will be used to further refine the RIAF. It is intended that by adopting the RIAF, organisations and funders may comprehensively evaluate their research initiatives, fostering research that has the potential to generate meaningful societal impact. Although the RIAF is currently focused on the assessment of impact in HMR, many of the concepts and methods may be translated to the assessment of other disciplines.

Data availability

The data that support this study will be shared upon reasonable request to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of interest

Nadia N. Khan, Isaac Ho, Joanne Egan, and Sean Chung are employed by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and completed this study as part of contractual work funded by NSW Health. Wilfred Mijnhardt and Philip Nelson are contractually affiliated with the University of Sydney as members of the International Advisory Group. NSW Health did not control or influence the decision to submit the final manuscript for publication.

Declaration of funding

This study was supported by funding from NSW Health and in-kind support from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Ms Mona Shamshiri for her administrative support and Ms Joanne Egan and Ms Cassie-lee Osborne for contributing to the literature review and data analysis required for the development of the Research Impact Assessment Framework.


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