Twice daily allied health rehabilitation is feasible in acutely hospitalised older people: an observational study
J. E. Kay A # , A. N. D’Souza
To evaluate the feasibility of twice daily rehabilitation in older patients admitted to an acute care of the elderly (ACE) hospital ward.
This was a prospective single-site, cohort study of twice daily interventions provided by ACE physiotherapists, occupational therapists and/or allied health assistants in an ACE hospital ward. The feasibility of twice daily therapy was evaluated using a range of outcomes including satisfaction, fidelity and limited efficacy.
A total of 220 patients were included (median age 86 [IQR 81–91] years, 54% female, with a median length of hospital stay of 7 [IQR 5–10] days). Twice daily therapy was delivered on 71% (n = 757) of patient admitted weekdays (fidelity). Moderate-to-large effect sizes were observed in patient functional and mobility measures during their hospital stay and most patients (74%) were able to be successfully discharged home (limited efficacy). Both staff and patients reported high levels of satisfaction with physiotherapy and occupational therapy while on the ACE ward.
Twice daily therapy with acutely hospitalised elderly patients is feasible, facilitated discharge home, and is associated with high patient and staff satisfaction.
Keywords: acute, aged, elderly, feasibility study, inpatient, occupational therapist, patient satisfaction, physical therapist, physical therapy modality.
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