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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology
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Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Journal of Zoology

Volume 64 Number 6 2016

ZO16073Genetic structure and diversity of the black-throated finch (Poephila cincta) across its current range

Lei Stanley Tang, Carolyn Smith-Keune, Anthony C. Grice, James M. Moloney and Britta Denise Hardesty
pp. 375-384
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The genetic diversity of the threatened black-throated finch was examined and found to be moderate, and genetic exchange occurred among sampled populations despite recent population declines. Conservation management should focus on increasing habitat quality and connectivity.
Photo by L. S. Tang.

ZO16082Wildlife in the line of fire: evaluating the stress physiology of a critically endangered Australian marsupial after bushfire

Stephanie Hing, Krista L. Jones, Christine Rafferty, R. C. Andrew Thompson, Edward J. Narayan and Stephanie S. Godfrey
pp. 385-389
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Encountering bushfires may be stressful for wildlife. We investigated the impact of bushfire on the stress physiology of the woylie (brush-tailed bettong, Bettongia penicillata) a critically endangered Australian marsupial and assessed whether fitness indices (body condition and parasite load) influenced stress physiology before and after the fire.
Photo by Stephanie Hing.

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Litoria nannotis is an endangered frog from the wet tropics region in north Queensland that has suffered significant population declines. We used 454-shotgun sequencing to develop microsatellite loci. These will be useful in understanding the genetic variation and connectivity amongst populations of this species recovering from mass population declines.
Photo by Robert Puschendorf.

ZO16088Olfactory behavioural responses in captive male southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons) exposed to oestrous and non-oestrous urine samples

Alyce M. Swinbourne, Stephen D. Johnston, Tina Janssen, Allan Lisle, Tamara Keeley and Clive J. C. Phillips
pp. 395-401
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Six captive male southern hairy-nosed wombats were exposed to oestrous and non-oestrous urine to determine if males can identify oestrus in captive females. Males did not demonstrate preference to either urine sample, suggesting that olfactory behaviour may not be an effective method of oestrus detection.
Photo by Alyce Swinbourne.

ZO16081Population genetics of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in north-eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland

S. Dennison, G. J. Frankham, L. E. Neaves, C. Flanagan, S. FitzGibbon, M. D. B. Eldridge and R. N. Johnson
pp. 402-412
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Northern koala populations are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. We use 14 novel microsatellites to investigate genetic connectivity of nationally significant koala populations in north-eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland. Our results suggest koalas in this region are experiencing contemporary impediments to gene flow, highlighting the importance of maintaining habitat connectivity.
Photo by Amber Gillett.

ZO17002Population monitoring of a threatened gliding mammal in subtropical Australia

Ross L. Goldingay, Darren McHugh and Jonathan L. Parkyn
pp. 413-420

This study describes an approach for long-term monitoring of the yellow-bellied glider using repeat surveys to account for imperfect detection and abundance modelling to produce indices of abundance. Abundance estimates were remarkably constant across three years. Studies at other locations are needed to understand the population dynamics of this species.

ZO16071Assessing body condition in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): a comparison of new and old methods

J. W. Macgregor, C. Holyoake, S. Munks, J. H. Connolly, I. D. Robertson, P. A. Fleming, R. A. Lonsdale and K. Warren
pp. 421-429
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This study developed two new indices of platypus body condition suitable for routine field use. Using data from 137 adult wild platypuses captured in north-west Tasmania, we determined that at least one of these new indices outperforms the current standard method of assessing platypus body condition (Tail Volume Index).
Photo by Helen Robertson.

ZO16077Isolation and characterisation of 16 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Eurasian coot (Fulica atra)

Tianshu Lv, Wanchao Zhu, Shuyu Xue, Huanxin Zhang, Xiaodong Gao, Lidong Wang and Honghai Zhang
pp. 430-433
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The habitat of the Eurasian coot (Fulica atra) extends from Eurasia to Australia. In this study, 16 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterised for F. atra. These markers will be useful for developing a conservation strategy for F. atra.
Photo by Dong Xianfa.

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Varanus douarrha is reinstated as a valid species using morphological and molecular characters. It is the fourth species of monitor lizard recorded from the Bismarck Archipelago and the only one known to occur on New Ireland, Djaul, and Lavongai islands.
Photo by Valter Weijola.

Committee on Publication Ethics

AJZ Award winner

Tyler Lepan has been awarded the AJZ Best Student Paper Award for 2022.

Expressions of Interest

Australian Journal of Zoology is seeking Associate Editors to join the Editorial Board. Read more information here
