Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 43 Number 5 1995
ZO9950449Morphological Variation Among Populations of the Mountain Brushtail Possum, Trichosurus-Caninus Ogilby (Phalangeridae, Marsupialia)
DB Lindenmayer, KL Viggers, RB Cunningham and CF Donnelly
pp. 449-458
ZO9950459Sire Transmission of Acquired-Resistance to Myxomatosis
I Parer, WR Sobey, D Conolly and R Morton
pp. 459-465
ZO9950489Reproductive-Biology of Megascolides Australis Mccoy (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae)
BD Vanpraagh
pp. 489-507
ZO9950509Organization of the Epidermal Syncytial Mosaic in Diceratocephala-Boschmai (Temnocephalida, Platyhelminthes)
BI Joffe, IV Solovei, KB Sewell and LRG Cannon
pp. 509-518
ZO9950519Diurnal and Nocturnal Grouping and Foraging Behaviors of Free-Ranging Eastern Grey Kangaroos
JL Clarke, ME Jones and PJ Jarman
pp. 519-529
ZO9950531The Effects of Habitat on the Distribution of Culicoides Brevitarsis Kieffer (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) During Its Resting Phase
AL Bishop, HJ Mckenzie, IM Barchia and AM Harris
pp. 531-539