Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 31 Number 4 1983
ZO9830433Studies on the Nutrition of Macropodine Marsupials. 5.microbial Fermentation in the Forestomach of Thylogale Thetis and Macropus Eugenii.
DW Dellow, JV Nolan and ID Hume
pp. 433-443
ZO9830445Spontaneous Spermatogenic Failure in the Marsupial Mouse Antechinus stuartii Macleay (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia)
JB Kerr and MP Hedger
pp. 445-466
ZO9830467Identification of the Filial Relationships of Free-Living Small Mammals by 35Sulfur
CR Dickman, DH King, D.C.D. Happold and M.J. Howell
pp. 467-474
ZO9830475Haematology and Blood Chemistry of the Free-Living Platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Shaw) (Monotremata: Ornithorhynchidae)
RJ Whittington and TR Grant
pp. 475-482
ZO9830483Renal Function in Australian Native Rodents
S Hewitt, RV Baudinette and J.F. Wheldrake
pp. 483-489
ZO9830499Five-Way Hybridization of Varied Sittellas Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Aves : Neosittidae) in Central Queensland
LL Short, R Schodde and JFM Horne
pp. 499-516
ZO9830517Hybridization of 'White-headed' and 'Orange-winged' VAried Sittellas, Daphoenositta chrysoptera leucocephala and D.c. chrysoptera (Aves: Neosittidae), in Eastern Australia
LL Short, R Schodde, RA Noske and J.F.M. Horne
pp. 517-531
ZO9830541The Genus Stenoperla McLachlan in Australia (Insecta: Plecoptera: Eustheniidae)
G Theischinger
pp. 541-556
ZO9830557Ecology and Taxonomy of Fossorial, Granivorous Gryllacridids (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) from Arid Central Australia
SR Morton and DCF Rentz
pp. 557-579