Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 16 Number 5 1968
ZO9680749Incubation of eggs of three species of Chelid tortoises, and notes on their embryological development
J Goode and J Russell
pp. 749-761
ZO9680763The morphological basis of embryonic movements in the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walk) (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae)
DT Anderson and EC Wood
pp. 763-793
ZO9680821Ultrastructural aspects of cartilage and membrane bone differentiation from common germinal cells
BK Hall and CD Shorey
pp. 821-840
ZO9680841Meristic features and muscle protein characteristics of populations of galaxiid fishes
PM Greenham
pp. 841-848
ZO9680849Reproductive condition and tentacle extirpation in Malayan Achatina fulica (Pulmonata)
AJ Berry and LC Chan
pp. 849-855
ZO9680857Dormancy in the land snail, Helicella virgata (Pulminata : Helicidae)
DE Pomeroy
pp. 857-869
ZO9680871The ecology of Sminthurus viridis (Collembola) II. Diapause in the aestivating egg
MMH Wallace
pp. 871-883