What can echolocation recordings reveal about the foraging ecology of Saccolaimus saccolaimus (Emballonuridae) in north-western Australia?
N. L. McKenzie

A Woodvale Research Centre, DBCA, Wildlife Place, Woodvale, WA 6026, Australia.
B 43 Murray Drive, Hillarys, WA 6025, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email: norman.mckenzie1@gmail.com
Australian Journal of Zoology 66(6) 326-334 https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO19012
Submitted: 31 January 2019 Accepted: 13 May 2019 Published: 31 May 2019
Echolocation sequences reveal aspects of the foraging ecology of Saccolaimus saccolaimus (Emballonuridae). In combination, pulse peak-frequency and fineness-of-tuning values derived from free-flying search-mode echolocation sequences emitted by S. saccolaimus in north-western Australia imply that it generally forages in uncluttered airspaces using an air superiority foraging strategy. Wing-beat frequency values, derived from pulse repetition rates in these sequences, reveal that it has a maximum aerobic level-flight speed of 8.1 m s–1 (used for foraging). These predictions are consistent with deductions based on airframe design parameters taken from museum specimens, and with available field observations. The echolocation recordings provided a quick, passive, cost-effective characterisation of foraging niche, useful for conservation planning.
Additional keywords: bat, ecomorphology, flight speed, Fpeak, Q.
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