Dasyurid marsupials as models for the physiology of ageing in humans
B. M. McAllanSchool of Medical Sciences, Discipline of Physiology, Anderson Stuart Building (F13), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Email: bmcallan@medsci.usyd.edu.au
Australian Journal of Zoology 54(3) 159-172 https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO05073
Submitted: 7 December 2005 Accepted: 28 April 2006 Published: 22 June 2006
Marsupials of the order Dasyuromorphia have features that make them useful as models for ageing processes in humans. First, they are long-lived for their size, with most small species living for at least 1 year, often several years, contrasting with the mouse, a conventional model for ageing studies, where most populations turn over within 4–6 months. Longevity in some dasyurids allows biological comparisons with other long-lived mammals. Second, the predictable reproduction and life histories of the genera Antechinus and Sminthopsis allow analysis of the role of sex hormones in physiological changes as ageing progresses. For Antechinus, this includes the interaction between testosterone and cortisol in initiating pathologies in males but not females. Many ageing processes are expressed differently between male and female humans, and have a stress component. The neuropathological changes that occur in Antechinus can be used as a model for the dementias of ageing, including Alzheimer’s disease. The age-related neuropathologies in Antechinus indicate that hormonal influences may be important. Finally, in Sminthopsis, the interaction between sex hormones, reproduction and the fattening season offer insights into the interaction between longevity and reduced energy intake, including obesity. Thus these mammals offer useful models for many of the possible influences for healthy ageing in humans.
Steven Hobbs was supported by a National Research Service Award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and Glen/AFAR Scholarship from the American Federation for Aging Research. Bronwyn McAllan was supported by a University of New England Research Grant. Thanks to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service for permission to collect Antechinus stuartii and F. Geiser for critically reading the manuscript.
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