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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats
Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research

Volume 43 Number 7 2016

WR16035Artificial water ponds and camera trapping of tortoises, and other vertebrates, in a dry Mediterranean landscape

J.-M. Ballouard, X. Bonnet, C. Gravier, M. Ausanneau and S. Caron
pp. 533-543
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In Mediterranean area, reptiles generally escape observation, posing difficulties to perform inventories. We tested the efficiency of camera trapping with small artificial freshwater ponds to notably attract and detect the endangered Hermann’s tortoise. The low cost–efficiency ratio of this method allows to collect robust data necessary to justify the protection of key habitats that are coveted by property developer. Photograph by Joseph Celse.

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The value of captive breeding for recovery programs of endangered carnivorous mammals is often questioned because of low post-release survival of founder animals following translocation. We show that captive-rearing method did not affect the high survival of Tasmanian devils released onto an offshore island. Captive-breeding programs and captive-raised founders can play a viable and valuable role in recovery programs of endangered carnivorous mammals.

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Control of unwanted wildlife should be undertaken using approaches that minimise animal welfare impacts. We used a scientific framework to rank welfare impacts of poisons on brushtail possums; cyanide had the lowest impacts while cholecalciferol and anticoagulants had the highest. The results of such assessments allow welfare impacts to be integrated with other factors in wildlife management decision-making and policy development.

WR16069AKDEC home range size and habitat selection of Sumatran elephants

Alexander Markus Moßbrucker, Christen H. Fleming, Muhammad Ali Imron, Satyawan Pudyatmoko and Sumardi
pp. 566-575
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Sumatran elephants are critically endangered, but information that could bolster their conservation is scarce. By monitoring several elephants using GPS collars, we found that the animals roam over much larger areas than previously assumed, and that they prefer gentle, forested slopes. To assure the long-term survival of the subspecies habitat restoration and elephant friendly management of forestry concession is required.

WR16027The eastern grey kangaroo: current management and future directions

Kris Descovich, Andrew Tribe, Ian J. McDonald and Clive J. C. Phillips
pp. 576-589
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The eastern grey kangaroo (a common and iconic species in Australia) is harvested and subjected to population management (usually shooting, but also reproductive control, translocation and pellets) for a variety of reasons, including localised over-abundance, livestock competition, crop grazing, native habitat conservation, animal welfare and direct threats to human safety. Support for kangaroo management and harvesting varies depending on the justification for management and is affected by socio-political influences. While several studies have assessed attitudes towards kangaroo management across demographics, a detailed study of the underlying construct of these attitudes is needed if effective methods for the management of kangaroos are to be identified. Future research priorities should focus on the human dimensions of kangaroo management, with specific investigation on socio-political influences, and whether perceptions of kangaroo impact by stakeholders is a reliable and sensitive indicator of actual impacts.

WR16065Creeping into a wild boar stomach to find traces of supplementary feeding

Ježek Miloš, Holá Michaela, Kušta Tomáš and Červený Jaroslav
pp. 590-598
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Supplementary feeding and baiting of wild ungulates is a common management practice and wild boar is among the most frequently fed species. We investigated the diet composition of wild boar from stomach contents and the foods of human origin were the dominant food category and constituted the bulk of diet throughout the year. Wild boar are dependent on supplementary feeding and management need to target on feeding practices and design restrictive measures for supplementary feeding. Photograph by Jaroslav Červený.

WR16153Animal welfare and the use of procedural documents: limitations and refinement

Jordan O. Hampton, Timothy H. Hyndman, Michael Laurence, Andrew L. Perry, Peter Adams and Teresa Collins
pp. 599-603
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Procedural documents have become a popular approach for addressing animal welfare concerns in wildlife management but their use has largely escaped critical examination. Our review highlighted that (i) animal-based measures are not always collected to assess outcomes achieved by using approved procedures, and (ii) the focus on compliance with approved inputs in current animal welfare regulation may preclude the development of improved methods. We suggest refined approaches for the use of procedural documents in wildlife management.

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Feral horse population management requires reliable knowledge of population abundance. Obtaining this information in densely forested habitats is indisputably difficult. This study investigated dung counts, dung decay and defecation rates to assess distribution and to estimate abundance of feral horses in a coniferous plantation in Australia. The methods used were practical and supplied useful information about population trends, providing defecation and decay rates were accurately defined.

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