Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 10 Number 2 1983
WR9830213Validation of aging keys for eastern grey kangaroos, Macropus giganteus
J. T. Wood, W. E. Poole and S. M. Carpenter
pp. 213-217
WR9830231Studies on the arboreal marsupial fauna of eucalypt forests being harvested for woodpulp at Eden, N.S.W. II. Relationship between the fauna density, richness and diversity, and measured variables of the habitat
L. W. Braithwaite, M. L. Dudzinski and J. Turner
pp. 231-247
WR9830249Introduction of the Sugar Glider, Petaurus breviceps, into Re-established Forest of the Tower Hill State Game Reserve, Vic.
GC Suckling and MA Macfarlane
pp. 249-258
WR9830259Ecology of Melomys burtoni, the Grasslnad Melomys (Rodentia : Muridae) at Cobourg Peninsula, N.T
R Begg, B Walsh, F Woerle and S King
pp. 259-267
WR9830277Humoral Immunity to Myxoma Virus in Wild Rabbits.
JD Wetherall, DE Clay and DR King
pp. 277-285
WR9830287 Myxomatosis: a Search for a Strain of Virus to Immunize a Wild Population of Rabbits, Oryctolagus Cuniculus.
WR Sobey, D Conolly and N Westwood
pp. 287-295
WR9830297The Influence of Ambient Temperatures on the Susceptibility of Mice, Guinea-Pigs and Possums to Compund 1080
AJ Oliver and DR King
pp. 297-301
WR9830303The Ingestion of Artifically Coloured Grain by Birds, and its Relevance to Verebrate Pest Control
H Brunner and BJ Coman
pp. 303-310
WR9830311A Comparison of Seasonal Changes in the Pollen Loads of Nectarivorous Marsupials [Tarsipes] and Birds [Honeyeaters].
RD Wooller, EM Russell, MB Renfree and PA Towers
pp. 311-317
WR9830319Waterbird Dynamics in the RIchmond VAlley, New SOuth Wales, 1974-77
DG Gosper, SV Briggs and SM Carpenter
pp. 319-327
WR9830343Status and Conservation of the Forty-Spotted Pardalote, Pardalotus quadragintus
DE Rounsevell and JCZ Woinarski
pp. 343-349
WR9830351Comparative Ecology of Pardalotes, including the Forty-Spotted Pardalote, Pardalotus quadragintus (Aves : Pardalotidae) in SOuth-Eastern TAsmania
JCZ Woinarski and DE Rounsevell
pp. 351-361
WR9830373Crocodylus johnstoni in the McKinlay River Area N. T, II.* Dry-Season Habitat Slection and an Estimate of the Total Population Size
GJW Webb, SC Manolis and R Buckworth
pp. 373-382
WR9830383 Crocodylus johnstoni in the McKinlay River Area N. T, III.* Growth, Movement and the Population Age Structure
GJW Webb, SC Manolis and R Buckworth
pp. 383-401
WR9830403Crocodylus johnstoni in the McKinlay River Area N. T, IV.* A Demonstration of Homing
GJW Webb, SC Manolis and R Buckworth
pp. 403-406
WR9830407Crocodylus johnstoni in the McKinlay River Area N. T, V.* Abnormalities and Injuries
GJW Webb, SC Manolis and R Buckworth
pp. 407-420
WR9830421Crocodylus johnstoni in a Controlled-Environment Chamber: a Raising Trial
GJW Webb, SC Manolis and R Buckworth
pp. 421-432
WR9830433A Technique for Sampling Pollen Carried by Vertebrates.
RD Wooller, EM Russell and MB Renfree
pp. 433-434