Linking nest microhabitat selection to nest survival within declining pheasant populations in the Central Valley of California
Ian A. Dwight A , Jessica H. Vogt A , Peter S. Coates
A US Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Dixon Field Station, 800 Business Park Drive, Suite D, Dixon, CA 95620, USA.
B Pheasants Forever, 1783 Buerkle Circle, Saint Paul, MN 55110, USA.
C California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1416 9th Street, 12th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95819, USA.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Wildlife Research 47(5) 391-403
Submitted: 21 December 2018 Accepted: 24 February 2020 Published: 15 July 2020
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2020 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Context: The ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) has experienced considerable population declines in recent decades, especially in agricultural environments of the Central Valley of California. Although large-scale changes in land cover have been reported as an important driver of population dynamics, the effects of microhabitat conditions on specific demographic rates (e.g. nesting) are largely unknown.
Aims: Our goal was to identify the key microhabitat factors that contribute to wild pheasant fitness by linking individual-level selection of each microhabitat characteristic to the survival of their nests within the California Central Valley.
Methods: We radio- or GPS-marked 190 female ring-necked pheasants within five study areas and measured nest-site characteristics and nest fates during 2013–2017. Specifically, we modeled microhabitat selection using vegetation covariates measured at nest sites and random sites and then modeled nest survival as a function of selecting each microhabitat characteristic.
Key results: Female pheasants tended to select nest sites with greater proportions of herbaceous cover and avoided areas with greater proportions of bare-ground. Specifically, perennial grass cover was the most explanatory factor with regard to nest survival, but selection for increasing visual obstruction alone was not shown to have a significant effect on survival. Further, we found strong evidence that pheasants selecting sites with greater perennial grass height were more likely to have successful nests.
Conclusions: Although pheasants will select many types of vegetation available as cover, our models provided evidence that perennial grasses are more beneficial than other cover types to pheasants selecting nesting sites.
Implications: Focusing management actions on promoting perennial grass cover and increased heights at the microsite level, in lieu of other vegetative modifications, may provide improved quality of habitat for nesting pheasants and, perhaps, result in increased productivity. This is especially important if cover is limited during specific times of the nesting period. Understanding how microhabitat selection influences fitness can help land managers develop strategies to increase the sustainability of hunted populations of this popular game-bird species.
Additional keywords: California, Central Valley, habitat selection, nest survival, perennial grass, Phasianus colchicus, ring-necked pheasant, vegetation composition.
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