Fire behaviour and smoke modelling: model improvement and measurement needs for next-generation smoke research and forecasting systems
Yongqiang Liu A O , Adam Kochanski B , Kirk R. Baker C , William Mell D , Rodman Linn E , Ronan Paugam D , Jan Mandel F , Aime Fournier F , Mary Ann Jenkins B , Scott Goodrick A , Gary Achtemeier A , Fengjun Zhao A , Roger Ottmar D , Nancy H. F. French
A US Forest Service, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA.
B University of Utah, 135 S 1460 East Rm, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA.
C US Environmental Protection Agency, 109 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA.
D US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 400 N 34th Street, Seattle, WA 98103, USA.
E Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA.
F University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217, USA.
G Michigan Technological University, 3520 Green Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA.
H Desert Research Institute, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512, USA.
I US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA.
J US Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 359 Main Road, Delaware, OH 43015, USA.
K San Jose State University, 620 One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192, USA.
L US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 5775 US West Highway 10, Missoula, MT 59808, USA.
M University of Washington, Anderson Hall, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
N Geospatial Measurement Solutions, 2149 Cascade Avenue, Hood River, OR 97031, USA.
O Corresponding author. Email:
International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(8) 570-588
Submitted: 29 January 2018 Accepted: 18 May 2019 Published: 9 July 2019
There is an urgent need for next-generation smoke research and forecasting (SRF) systems to meet the challenges of the growing air quality, health and safety concerns associated with wildland fire emissions. This review paper presents simulations and experiments of hypothetical prescribed burns with a suite of selected fire behaviour and smoke models and identifies major issues for model improvement and the most critical observational needs. The results are used to understand the new and improved capability required for the next-generation SRF systems and to support the design of the Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE) and other field campaigns. The next-generation SRF systems should have more coupling of fire, smoke and atmospheric processes. The development of the coupling capability requires comprehensive and spatially and temporally integrated measurements across the various disciplines to characterise flame and energy structure (e.g. individual cells, vertical heat profile and the height of well-mixing flaming gases), smoke structure (vertical distributions and multiple subplumes), ambient air processes (smoke eddy, entrainment and radiative effects of smoke aerosols) and fire emissions (for different fuel types and combustion conditions from flaming to residual smouldering), as well as night-time processes (smoke drainage and super-fog formation).
Additional keywords: burn plan and measurement design, CMAQ, Daysmoke, FIRETEC, WFDS, WRF-SFIRE-CHEM.
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