An integrated framework for habitat restoration in fire-prone areas: part 1 – co-creation of land management scenarios
P. Maia A * , S. Corticeiro
Recent policy instruments for integrated landscape management in Portugal provide an opportunity to develop strategies that optimise the implementation of global policies at a local scale.
The main objective was to create and define a thorough framework that combines restoration of natural habitats and fire hazard management, to contribute to landscape resilience to fire under climate change.
Ecological modelling was the basis to propose restoration of natural habitats in the area. A participatory approach was developed for the co-creation of alternative land management scenarios, described through Northern Forest Fire Laboratory (NFFL) fuel model maps expressing modified forest cover types.
The proposed framework, applied to integrate stakeholders’ perceived challenges and opportunities in the land management scenarios, resulted in a decrease in fuel load in forest areas, compared with simulated restoration of native habitats only, without subsequent management.
The management of forest structure achieved through forest cover type modification suggests a reduction in wildfire propagation potential, progressively more noticeable with the cumulative management of new and pre-existing forests.
The framework can be used as part of a decision-support tool for forest management and may be implemented in other places where habitat conservation and fire hazard are management concerns.
Keywords: alternative landscape scenarios, fire propagation, fuel models, habitat restoration, land management strategies, multifunctional forest, multipurpose framework, participatory approach.
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