International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 11 Numbers 3 & 4 2002
Fire and Forest Meteorology
Editors: S. A. Ferguson, T. J. Brown and M. Flannigan
WFv11n4_PRPreface to 'Fire and Forest Meteorology'
Sue A. Feguson, Timothy J. Brown and Mike Flannigan
pp. v-v
WF02002Forecasting diurnal variations in fire intensity to enhance wildland firefighter safety
J. A. Beck, M. E. Alexander, S. D. Harvey and A. K. Beaver
pp. 173-182
WF02003The Oklahoma Fire Danger Model: An operational tool for mesoscale fire danger rating in Oklahoma
J. D. Carlson, Robert E. Burgan, David M. Engle and Justin R. Greenfield
pp. 183-191
WF02005Modification of the Fosberg fire weather index to include drought
Scott L. Goodrick
pp. 205-211
WF02007Studying wildfire behavior using FIRETEC
Rodman Linn, Jon Reisner, Jonah J. Colman and Judith Winterkamp
pp. 233-246
WF02009Long lead statistical forecasts of area burned in western U.S. wildfires by ecosystem province
Anthony L. Westerling, Alexander Gershunov, Daniel R. Cayan and Tim P. Barnett
pp. 257-266
WF02010Measuring moisture dynamics to predict fire severity in longleaf pine forests
Sue A. Ferguson, Julia E. Ruthford, Steven J. McKay, David Wright, Clint Wright and Roger Ottmar
pp. 267-279
WF02013Near-real time mapping of Keetch-Byram drought index in the south-eastern United States
Michael J. Janis, Michael B. Johnson and Gloria Forthun
pp. 281-289