International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 19 Number 5 2010
WF09007Linear model for spread rate and mass loss rate for mixed-size fuel beds
Domingos X. Viegas, Miguel Almeida, Ana I. Miranda and Luis M. Ribeiro
pp. 531-540
WF08206Environmental determinants of lightning- v. human-induced forest fire ignitions differ in a temperate mountain region of Switzerland
Björn Reineking, Patrick Weibel, Marco Conedera and Harald Bugmann
pp. 541-557
WF09069Evaluating Landsat Thematic Mapper spectral indices for estimating burn severity of the 2007 Peloponnese wildfires in Greece
Sander Veraverbeke, Willem W. Verstraeten, Stefaan Lhermitte and Rudi Goossens
pp. 558-569
WF08113Experimental investigation of the physical mechanisms governing the spread of wildfires
Frédéric Morandini and Xavier Silvani
pp. 570-582
WF08193Development of post-fire crown damage mortality thresholds in ponderosa pine
James F. Fowler, Carolyn Hull Sieg, Joel McMillin, Kurt K. Allen, Jose F. Negrón, Linda L. Wadleigh, John A. Anhold and Ken E. Gibson
pp. 583-588
WF09008Ignition and fire spread thresholds in gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Stuart A. J. Anderson and Wendy R. Anderson
pp. 589-598
WF08044Long-term post-fire succession of Pinus brutia forest in the east Mediterranean
Ali Kavgacı, Andraž Čarni, Saime Başaran, Mehmet Ali Başaran, Petra Košir, Aleksander Marinšek and Urban Šilc
pp. 599-605
WF08121Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in smoke exposure of firefighters during prescribed burning in the Mediterranean region
Toussaint Barboni, Magali Cannac, Vanina Pasqualini, Albert Simeoni, Eric Leoni and Nathalie Chiaramonti
pp. 606-612
WF08048Fire severity effects on soil organic matter from a ponderosa pine forest: a laboratory study
Jeff A. Hatten and Darlene Zabowski
pp. 613-623
WF08208Paired Eucalyptus forest catchment study of prescribed fire effects on suspended sediment and nutrient exports in south-eastern Australia
Hugh G. Smith, Gary J. Sheridan, Patrick N. J. Lane and Christopher B. Sherwin
pp. 624-636
WF08180Is the net new carbon increment of coppice forest stands of Quercus ilex ssp. ballota affected by post-fire thinning treatments and recurrent fires?
Francisco R. López-Serrano, Jorge De Las Heras, Daniel Moya, Francisco A. García-Morote and Eva Rubio
pp. 637-648
WF08185Implementation of quantitative bushfire risk analysis in a GIS environment
Dale Atkinson, Mark Chladil, Volker Janssen and Arko Lucieer
pp. 649-658
WF09090Economic optimisation of wildfire intervention activities
David T. Butry, Jeffrey P. Prestemon, Karen L. Abt and Ronda Sutphen
pp. 659-672
WF09056Does the post-fire organic layer compress beneath the snowpack?
T. B. Splawinski, D. F. Greene, S. Gauthier and Y. Bergeron
pp. 673-676