International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 18 Number 6 2009
WF08093The fire history of an arid grassland: the influence of antecedent rainfall and ENSO
Aaron C. Greenville, Chris R. Dickman, Glenda M. Wardle and Mike Letnic
pp. 631-639
WF07136Artificial neural network approach for modeling the impact of population density and weather parameters on forest fire risk
Li-Ming Li, Wei-Guo Song, Jian Ma and Kohyu Satoh
pp. 640-647
WF07076Monitoring post-fire regeneration in Mediterranean ecosystems by employing multitemporal satellite imagery
Rocío Hernández Clemente, Rafael María Navarro Cerrillo and Ioannis Z. Gitas
pp. 648-658
WF07157The effects of seeding sterile triticale on a native plant community after wildfire in a pinyon pine–mountain mahogany woodland
Benjamin A. Waitman, Trent M. Draper and Todd C. Esque
pp. 659-664
WF08067Influence of a native legume on soil N and plant response following prescribed fire in sagebrush steppe
Erin M. Goergen and Jeanne C. Chambers
pp. 665-675
WF07138Ground-based LIDAR: a novel approach to quantify fine-scale fuelbed characteristics
E. Louise Loudermilk, J. Kevin Hiers, Joseph J. O'Brien, Robert J. Mitchell, Abhinav Singhania, Juan C. Fernandez, Wendell P. Cropper and K. Clint Slatton
pp. 676-685
WF08072Novel fuelbed characteristics associated with mechanical mastication treatments in northern California and south-western Oregon, USA
Jeffrey M. Kane, J. Morgan Varner and Eric E. Knapp
pp. 686-697
WF08023Empirical modelling of surface fire behaviour in maritime pine stands
Paulo M. Fernandes, Hermínio S. Botelho, Francisco C. Rego and Carlos Loureiro
pp. 698-710
WF07122An inverse method to estimate stem surface heat flux in wildland fires
Anthony S. Bova and Matthew B. Dickinson
pp. 711-721
WF08128A model for calculating the temperature of aluminium particles ejected from overhead low-voltage lines owing to a short-circuit
E. G. Psarros, A. D. Polykrati, C. G. Karagiannopoulos and P. D. Bourkas
pp. 722-726
WF07114Developing an Adaptive Management approach to prescribed burning: a long-term heathland conservation experiment in north-west Italy
Davide Ascoli, Rachele Beghin, Riccardo Ceccato, Alessandra Gorlier, Giampiero Lombardi, Michele Lonati, Raffaella Marzano, Giovanni Bovio and Andrea Cavallero
pp. 727-735