International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 18 Number 1 2009
WF08009Improving estimates of savanna burning emissions for greenhouse accounting in northern Australia: limitations, challenges, applications
Jeremy Russell-Smith, Brett P. Murphy, C. P. (Mick) Meyer, Garry D. Cook, Stefan Maier, Andrew C. Edwards, Jon Schatz and Peter Brocklehurst
pp. 1-18
WF07094Modeling fire danger in data-poor regions: a case study from the Russian Far East
Tatiana V. Loboda
pp. 19-35
WF07045Regional-scale weather patterns and wildland fires in central Portugal
Klaus P. Hoinka, Anabela Carvalho and Ana Isabel Miranda
pp. 36-49
WF07072The importance of fire–atmosphere coupling and boundary-layer turbulence to wildfire spread
Ruiyu Sun, Steven K. Krueger, Mary Ann Jenkins, Michael A. Zulauf and Joseph J. Charney
pp. 50-60
WF06158Frequency and season of fires varies with distance from settlement and grass composition in Eucalyptus miniata savannas of the Darwin region of northern Australia
Louis P. Elliott, Donald C. Franklin and David M. J. S. Bowman
pp. 61-70
WF07101Construction of empirical models for predicting Pinus sp. dead fine fuel moisture in NW Spain. I: Response to changes in temperature and relative humidity
Ana Daría Ruiz González, Jose Antonio Vega Hidalgo and Juan Gabriel Álvarez González
pp. 71-83
WF07048What factors influence rapid post-fire site re-occupancy? A case study of the endangered Eastern Bristlebird in eastern Australia
David B. Lindenmayer, Chris MacGregor, Jeff T. Wood, Ross B. Cunningham, Mason Crane, Damian Michael, Rebecca Montague-Drake, Darren Brown, Martin Fortescue, Nick Dexter, Matt Hudson and A. Malcolm Gill
pp. 84-95
WF07162Synthesis of sediment yields after wildland fire in different rainfall regimes in the western United States
John A. Moody and Deborah A. Martin
pp. 96-115
WF07049Fire intensity, fire severity and burn severity: a brief review and suggested usage
Jon E. Keeley
pp. 116-126