International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 7 Number 1 1997
WF9970007Physical Modelling of Leaf Scorch Height From Prescribed Fires in Young Eucalyptus Sieberi Regrowth Forests in South-Eastern Australia
JS Gould, I Knight and AL Sullivan
pp. 7-20
WF9970029 Prescribed Burning of Thinning Slash in Regrowth Stands of Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) .1. Fire Characteristics, Fuel Consumption and Tree Damage
WL McCaw, RH Smith and JE Neal
pp. 29-40
WF9970051Numerical Predictions on the Soil Thermal Effect Under Surface Fire Conditions
LA Oliveira, DX Viegas and AM Raimundo
pp. 51-63