International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 4 Number 4 1994
WF9940209Estimating the Value of Reducing Fire Hazards to Old-Growth Forests in the Pacific-Northwest - a Contingent Valuation Approach
J Loomis and A Gonzalescaban
pp. 209-216
WF9940217A Synoptic Climatology for Forest-Fires in the NE US and Future Implications From GCM Simulations
ES Takle, DJ Bramer, WE Heilman and MR Thompson
pp. 217-224
WF9940225 Heat-Transfer in the Soil During Very Low-Intensity Experimental Fires - the Role of Duff and Soil-Moisture Content
JC Valette, V Gomendy, J Marechal, C Houssard and D Gillon
pp. 225-237
WF9940239The Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Pinus ponderosa Growth
DL Peterson, SS Sackett, LJ Robinson and SM Haase
pp. 239-247