International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 15 Number 1 2006
WF05017Prediction and measurement of thermally induced cambial tissue necrosis in tree stems
Joshua L. Jones, Brent W. Webb, Bret W. Butler, Matthew B. Dickinson, Daniel Jimenez, James Reardon and Anthony S. Bova
pp. 3-17
WF05025Prediction of delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine following prescribed fires in eastern Oregon, USA
Walter G. Thies, Douglas J. Westlind, Mark Loewen and Greg Brenner
pp. 19-29
WF05019Post-fire epicormic branching in Sierra Nevada Abies concolor (white fir)
Chad T. Hanson and Malcolm P. North
pp. 31-35
WF04068Heterogeneity in fire severity within early season and late season prescribed burns in a mixed-conifer forest
Eric E. Knapp and Jon E. Keeley
pp. 37-45
WF04061Predicting the ignition of crown fuels above a spreading surface fire. Part I: model idealization
Miguel G. Cruz, Bret W. Butler, Martin E. Alexander, Jason M. Forthofer and Ronald H. Wakimoto
pp. 47-60
WF05045Predicting the ignition of crown fuels above a spreading surface fire. Part II: model evaluation
Miguel G. Cruz, Bret W. Butler and Martin E. Alexander
pp. 61-72
WF05008Influence of heat and smoke treatments on the germination of six leguminous shrubby species
Mercedes Rivas, Otilia Reyes and Mercedes Casal
pp. 73-80
WF04037Seed predation by birds shortly after a wildfire in a Corsican pine forest
Jean-Claude Thibault and Roger Prodon
pp. 81-86
WF04034Spatio-temporal analysis of wildfire ignitions in the St Johns River Water Management District, Florida
Marc G. Genton, David T. Butry, Marcia L. Gumpertz and Jeffrey P. Prestemon
pp. 87-97
WF04057Soil water dynamics after fire in a Portuguese shrubland
Joaquim S. Silva, Francisco C. Rego and Stefano Mazzoleni
pp. 99-111
WF05001Bromus tectorum cover mapping and fire risk
Steven O. Link, Carson W. Keeler, Randal W. Hill and Eric Hagen
pp. 113-119
WF05021Science, technology, and human factors in fire danger rating: the Canadian experience.
Stephen W. Taylor and Martin E. Alexander
pp. 121-135
WF05027Analysing initial attack on wildland fires using stochastic simulation
Jeremy S. Fried, J. Keith Gilless and James Spero
pp. 137-146