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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

The Role of Prescribed Burning in Regenerating Quercus Macrocarpa and Associated Woody Plants in Stringer Woodlands in the Black Hills, South Dakota

CH Sieg and HA Wright

International Journal of Wildland Fire 6(1) 21 - 29
Published: 1996


Throughout the range of Quercus macrocarpa, fire historically played an important role in maintaining Quercus stands. However, little is known about the role of fire in maintaining stringer Quercus stands on the western edge of its distribution. This research suggests that prescribed burning could be used to rejuvenate woody plants in Quercus woodlands. Relative to unburned areas, there were more (p < 0.1) Quercus, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Acer negundo sprouts following spring burning. However, Quercus seedling density did not increase (p = 0.22) relative to unburned sites, and changes in the density of woody understory species in response to burning were erratic. Dormant season burning has some appeal from a fire control point of view and because carbohydrate reserves in woody plants are high during this time. However, if the objective is to regenerate woody plants and/or mimic historical fires, prescriptions should be set to achieve high intensities.

Keywords: Quercus macrocarpa; Acer negundo; Fraxinus pennsylvanica; riparian; gallery forests; eastern deciduous forest

© IAWF 1996

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