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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

Biomass Burning and Resulting Emissions in the Northern Territory, Australia

J Beringer, D Packham and N Tapper

International Journal of Wildland Fire 5(4) 229 - 235
Published: 1995


The extent of biomass burning in the Northern Territory, Australia, during 1992 (a year of low fire activity) was estimated using NOAA-AVHRR satellite imagery and was subsequently used to calculate the emission of gaseous compounds from biomass burning for that year. A total of 73,729 km2 was determined to have been burnt, representing 5.5% of the total Northern Territory area. The extent of biomass burning in different vegetation units in the Northern Territory was also estimated with eucalypt communities comprising 72% of the total area burnt. An estimated 29.5 x 106 tonnes of biomass was consumed by burning, resulting in the production of an estimated : 1. 11.3 Tg C as carbon dioxide, 2. 1.02 Tg C as carbon monoxide, (3) 5.23 x 10-3 Tg C as total particulate matter, 4. 26.1 x 10-3 Tg N as nitrous oxides, 5. various other trace gases. The calculated release of CO2 in this study accounts for only 41% of the estimated Australian contribution to global emmissions from biomass burning, indicating that the Australian contribution may be overestimted.

Keywords: NOAA-AVHRR; Biomass burning; Australian tropics; Remote sensing; Trace gas and aerosol emissions

© IAWF 1995

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