Integrating an urban fire model into an operational wildland fire model to simulate one dimensional wildland–urban interface fires: a parametric study
Dwi M. J. Purnomo A , Yiren Qin

Wildland fires that occur near communities, in the wildland–urban interface (WUI), can inflict significant damage to urban structures. Although computational models are vital in wildfires, they often focus solely on wildland landscapes.
We conducted a computational study to investigate WUI fire spread, encompassing both urban and wildland landscapes.
We developed a 1D landscape-scale semi-physical model by integrating a semi-physical urban fire spread model into an Eulerian level set model of wildfire. The model includes ignition and spread through radiation, direct flame contact and ember deposition.
Through a parametric study, we compare the relative change of spread rate from various structural properties and landscape layouts represented by model parameters, highlighting the significant impact of fire-resistant structure materials over surface treatments. Layout configurations play a pivotal role in fire spread, with isolated islands of combustibles effective in reducing spread rate, aligning with existing mitigation strategies.
Despite using a 1D domain and limitations on spatial and temporal variability, our model provides insights into underlying phenomena observed in WUI fires and their mitigation. It offers early-stage development of strategies for managing structure materials and landscape layouts.
Our model and findings provide insights into WUI fire dynamics, paving the way for advanced mitigation strategies.
Keywords: community layout, community resilience, fire, modelling, structure properties, urban, wildfires, wildland–urban interface, WUI.
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