Age and physical activity status of Australian volunteer firefighters: a cross-sectional study
David N. Borg

There have been concerns of an aging Australian volunteer firefighter workforce.
To (1) determine the age distribution of Australian volunteer firefighters; (2) estimate the proportion of volunteer firefighters who met the Australian physical activity guidelines; (3) investigate the relationship between age and physical activity and exercise in volunteer firefighters.
An online survey was electronically distributed to Rural Fire Service volunteers in Queensland, Australia. The survey included demographic and physical activity questions. National guidelines were used to determine whether respondents met the Australian physical activity recommendations. The relationships between age and weekly physical activity and weekly exercise minutes were modelled using Bayesian methods.
The median age of responders (n = 480) was 54 years. Compared with Australian population data, volunteer firefighters were four times more likely to meet the physical activity guidelines and the exercise-only guidelines, but 1.4 times more likely to not meet the strength-based activity guidelines. Number of weekly physical activity minutes declined with age, by 61 min each decade.
Volunteers were more likely to meet the national physical activity and exercise-only guidelines, but less likely to meet the strength-based activity guidelines.
Volunteer firefighters could benefit from outreach programs that promote participation in strength-based training.
Keywords: bushfire, climate, emergency, exercise, firefighter, fitness, natural disaster, physical activity, resistance, strength-based training, training, wildfire.
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