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Thermoluminescence dating of coastal sand dunes at Cooloola and North Stradbroke Island, Australia

MS Tejan-Kella, DJ Chittleborough, RW Fitzpatrick, CH Thompson, JR Prescott and JT Hutton

Australian Journal of Soil Research 28(4) 465 - 481
Published: 1990


Thermoluminescence (TL) of quartz grains has been used to date a soil horizon at each of four sites in a chronosequence of freely drained podzols at Cooloola and North Stradbroke Island. The chronological order of the TL dates is in agreement with the sequence of inferred ages based on stratigraphic, geomorphic, denudational and pedological evidence, but at least one of the TL dates is of considerably greater age than the field evidence implies. Possible explanations of this anomaly are discussed. Differences in the nature of the quartz grains and the various pre-treatments used in TL dating were also examined by using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The DTA showed no dissimilarity among the quartz samples from the different sites, but the TGA results showed significant weight losses for some samples and pretreatments. The SEM method further showed that weight loss is associated with water-sorbing substances (allophanic materials) present as coatings on grain surfaces and/or in cracks within grains.

© CSIRO 1990

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