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Assessment and Implementation of Expedited Partner Therapy at an Academic Medical Center.

Alena Hoover 0009-0000-5882-0341, Leroy R Thacker, FE Casey


Background: EPT is the practice of treating sexual partner(s) of patients diagnosed with STIs without examining the partner(s) and is effective in reducing reinfection. It has been permissible in Virginia since 2020. This study aimed to assess knowledge and practices surrounding prescription of EPT before and after an online learning module. Methods: Data was obtained via online anonymous RedCap surveys. The first was distributed via e-mail to providers in specialties who regularly diagnose and treat STIs at an academic medical center in Virginia. The survey assessed provider knowledge and practices regarding EPT and preference of future education. Based on the results, an online learning module with information on EPT was created and distributed to the same population of providers. The module contained pre- and post- surveys evaluating participant knowledge of the legal status, methods of prescription, and attitudes surrounding EPT. Results: The initial survey showed that 10% of participants were aware of the EPTs new legal status. EPT prescription was noted at 4% always and 14% sometimes while 61% answered never. In the pre-module survey, 31% of respondents correctly identified one option for prescription of EPT. Knowledge surrounding the legal status and prescription methods were significantly improved in the post-module responses with 100% of participants able to identify one correct prescription option. Conclusion: These results show knowledge gaps surrounding the Virginia EPT provision and policy change. These gaps improved with the implementation of an online learning module. Further evaluation is needed to assess the continued implementation of EPT.

SH25035  Accepted 27 March 2025

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