Sexual Health
Volume 6 Number 4 2009
Featuring abstracts from the Australasian Sexual Health Conference 2009
SH09084An early warning sign: sexually transmissible infections among young African American women and the need for preemptive, combination HIV prevention
Amy M. Fasula, Kim S. Miller and Madeline Y. Sutton
pp. 261-263
SH09017Acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccination among first year female university students in Hong Kong
William C. W. Wong, Ben Fong and Paul K. S. Chan
pp. 264-271
SH08095 Abstract | SH08095 Full Text | SH08095PDF (143 KB) Open Access Article
SH09060High incidence of syphilis in HIV-positive homosexual men: data from two community-based cohort studies
Fengyi Jin, Garrett P. Prestage, Iryna Zablotska, Patrick Rawstorne, John Imrie, Susan C. Kippax, Basil Donovan, David J. Templeton, John M. Kaldor and Andrew E. Grulich
pp. 281-284
SH08070A longitudinal analysis of sociodemographic and health correlates of sexual health among HIV-infected men in the USA
William L. Jeffries, Barbara A. Zsembik, Chuck W. Peek and Constance R. Uphold
pp. 285-292
SH08055Attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS behaviour and education among Tanzanian youth
Edward Maswanya, Graham Brown and Gareth Merriman
pp. 293-299
SH09046Condom failure among men receiving sexually transmissible infection clinic services, Cape Town, South Africa
Seth C. Kalichman, Leickness C. Simbayi, Demetria Cain and Sean Jooste
pp. 300-304
SH09041An HIV-1 integrase genotype assay for the detection of drug resistance mutations
Anna C. Hearps, Vicki Greengrass, Jennifer Hoy and Suzanne M. Crowe
pp. 305-309
SH09014The role of drugs during group sex among gay men in Australia
Garrett Prestage, Jeffrey Grierson, Jack Bradley, Michael Hurley and Jeff Hudson
pp. 310-317
SH08086Inside the ordering room: characteristics of women's in-home sex toy parties, facilitators and sexual communication
Debra Herbenick, Michael Reece and Ariane Hollub
pp. 318-327
SH09040Pilot study of Australian school-based sexual health education: parents' views
Allison Macbeth, Patricia Weerakoon and Gomathi Sitharthan
pp. 328-333
SH09011Metronidazole resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis from highland women in Papua New Guinea
Jacqueline A. Upcroft, Linda A. Dunn, Tilda Wal, Sepehr Tabrizi, Maria G. Delgadillo-Correa, Patricia J. Johnson, Suzanne Garland, Peter Siba and Peter Upcroft
pp. 334-338
SH09038Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among young reproductive age women in India: implications for treatment and prevention
Purnima Madhivanan, Melissa T. Bartman, Lauren Pasutti, Karl Krupp, Anjali Arun, Arthur L. Reingold and Jeffrey D. Klausner
pp. 339-344
SH09064Treatment of metronidazole-resistant Trichomonas vaginalis
Linda M. Goldman, Jacqueline A. Upcroft, Kimberly Workowski and Andrea Rapkin
pp. 345-347
SH09051Social marketing strategy to increase awareness of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (NPEP) followed by increased NPEP awareness and more appropriate use
Revle Bangor-Jones, Donna Mak, Susan Laing and Graham Brown
pp. 348-349