Characteristics and determinants of quality non-directive pregnancy options counselling: a scoping review
Kari Dee Vallury
Non-directive pregnancy options counselling (POC) is a core component of comprehensive reproductive health care for pregnant people wanting support in making a pregnancy outcome decision. Approximately one quarter of people with unintended pregnancies and people seeking abortion care seek POC. This study synthesises global evidence on access to and characteristics of quality non-directive POC. We searched five health databases in line with PRISMA guidelines. Primary research articles (published in English, 2011–2023) were included if they addressed provision, experiences, or characteristics of non-directive POC. Data were synthesised and organised thematically. Twelve of the 4021 unique citations identified were included in the review. Four themes were generated: (1) characteristics of quality non-directive POC; (2) provider-level determinants of care quality and provision; (3) patient level factors impacting the desire for and receipt of care; and (4) organisational setting and legal determinants of provision and quality of care. Abortion-related values and policies at the provider, organisational and legislative levels were the most common and salient determinants of POC access and quality. Quality POC includes non-directive, empathetic, compassionate discussions about all pregnancy options that convey non-judgement and respect. However, we identified provider, organisational setting, and legal level determinants that disproportionately impact access to POC for marginalised pregnant people. Research regarding POC access and quality outside of the USA is needed. Upskilling primary care and other health professionals in POC and embedding referral pathways to non-directive POC and abortion care will support Australia to achieve its commitment to universal access to reproductive health care by 2030.
Keywords: abortion, counselling, informed decision making, pregnancy, pregnancy options counselling, reproductive autonomy, reproductive health, review.
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