Cascade of testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea inclusive of an annual health check in an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service
Condy Canuto

To gain an understanding of chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhoea (NG) testing conducted within an annual health check (AHC) and in standard clinical consultations for clients aged 15–29 years attending an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service in the period 2016–2021.
De-identified electronic medical record data were extracted and analysed on CT and NG testing by sex, age, Indigenous status and the context of testing (conducted within an AHC or not). An access, testing, and diagnosis cascade for CT and NG, inclusive of an AHC, was constructed.
Combined testing within an AHC and outside an AHC for CT and NG ranged between 30 and 50%, except for the year 2021. Males were twice as likely to receive a CT and NG test within an AHC consultation as females. Females were almost equally likely to have a CT and NG test, both as part of an AHC consult and during other clinical consultations. Females had the highest CT positivity in 2018 (11%) and 2019 (11%), with a dip in 2020 (5%), whereas NG diagnoses remained stable at 2%.
The study demonstrates the potential of the AHC to facilitate greater coverage of CT and NG testing in an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. Screening conducted within an AHC alongside screening in clinical consultations might be enough to reduce CT prevalence over a sustained period.
Keywords: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Aboriginal medical service, annual health check, cultural determinants, MBS715, sexual health, urban Aboriginal health, urban sexually transmissible infections.
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