Determinants of intention to test for sexually transmitted infections among late adolescent women in the United States
Alyssa M. Lederer
Individuals aged 15–24 years are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States, and young women can face severe health consequences if STIs are left undiagnosed. Yet STI testing rates in this priority population remain low. Few studies incorporate health behavior theory to examine factors associated with STI testing among young women in the United States, which is vital for intervention development. This study therefore sought to identify the determinants of college-enrolled late adolescent women’s intentions to be tested for common STIs in the next 12 months using a theory-based approach.
Students who identified as female at a large Midwestern university completed an online survey about STIs (n = 171). Hierarchical multiple regression was used to assess the relationship between STI testing intention and the Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) global constructs of attitude, perceived norm, and perceived behavioral control, supplemented by STI knowledge, STI stigma, and STI shame.
Findings indicate that the RAA global constructs predicted STI testing intention (P < 0.001), with perceived norm making the largest contribution. Neither STI knowledge, stigma, nor shame were significantly associated with STI testing intention.
Future interventions aimed at increasing STI testing among young women should focus on beliefs underlying the RAA global constructs and especially young women’s beliefs regarding other people’s support for getting tested for STIs.
Keywords: adolescents, college students, Reasoned Action Approach, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections, shame, stigma, testing, theory.
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