Chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing and positivity within an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Service 2016–2021
Condy Canuto

This study describes chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing, positivity, treatment, and retesting among individuals aged ≥15 years attending an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service during the period 2016–2021.
Utilising routinely collected clinical data from the ATLAS program (a national sentinel surveillance network), a retrospective time series analysis was performed. The study assessed testing rates, positivity, treatment efficacy, retesting and trends over time within an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
Testing rates for chlamydia and gonorrhoea varied between 10 and 30% over the study period, and were higher among clients aged 15–29 years and among females. Positivity rates for both infections varied by age, with clients aged 15–24 years having higher positivity than older clients. Gonorrhoea positivity rates decreased after 2016. Treatment and retesting practices also showed sex disparities, with men having a slightly higher treatment rate within 7 days, whereas females had significantly higher retesting rates within 2–4 months, indicating differences in follow-up care between sexes.
The study emphasises the need for clinical and public health interventions within urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations to further reduce chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Prioritising improved access to testing, timely treatment and consistent retesting can significantly contribute to lowering STI prevalence and enhancing sexual health outcomes in these communities.
Keywords: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, epidemiology, Indigenous health, sexual health, sexually transmissible infections, STI screening, urban.
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