Hiding in plain sight: highlighting the research gap on access to HIV and other sexual health services for underrepresented gay men in developed Western countries – insights from a scoping review with a focus on Arab men
Bernard Saliba

Strategies pertaining to HIV and sexual health for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) have shifted focus towards underrepresented subgroups within some developed Western countries. Although emerging research exists on some subgroups, limited attention has been given to the needs of Arab GBMSM in these contexts. Considering they are part of a large diaspora, understanding their access to services is crucial. This paper focuses on Arab GBMSM as a case study within a scoping review, highlighting their hidden status within the broader landscape of HIV and sexual health research for GBMSM in the West.
A multi-method search strategy was employed, including searching four electronic databases using several terms within each of the following search topics: Arab, GBMSM, HIV and other sexual health services, and developed Western countries.
Of the 384 articles found, only one addressed the research question and met the inclusion criteria, revealing a stark scarcity of research on access to HIV and sexual health services for this population.
This review highlights a paucity of research on access to HIV and sexual health services for underrepresented GBMSM populations in developed Western countries. The literature indicates that, for Arab men, this may be due to a difficulty in participant recruitment and poor data collection efforts. By focusing on one hidden population, we aim to advocate for inclusive policies and interventions that promote equitable sexual health access for all. Addressing this research gap aligns with broader local and global HIV strategies to reduce disparities among underrepresented GBMSM populations.
Keywords: Arab, Australia, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), health access, HIV research, sexual health, sexual minority men, Western countries.
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