Engaging older Australians in sexual health research: SHAPE2 survey recruitment and sample
Louise Bourchier

Sexual health research rarely includes older age groups and the sexual health needs of older Australians are not well understood. Older adults are online in increasing numbers; however, internet surveys involving samples of older adults and sensitive topics remain uncommon. In 2021, we developed an online survey to explore the sexual health needs of Australians aged 60+ years. We describe here survey recruitment and sample obtained, comparing it with national population data (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and the sample of the similar ‘Sex, Age and Me’ study from 2015.
We recruited 1470 people with a staggered three-phase strategy: (1) emails to organisations and community groups; (2) paid Facebook advertising; and (3) passive recruitment. Half (50.6%) found out about the study via an organisation or group and just over a third (35.7%) from Facebook.
The sample was equally balanced between men (49.9%) and women (49.7%) (0.4% other gender identities). Participants were aged 60–92 years (median 69 years) with all Australian States/Territories represented. Facebook recruits were younger, more likely to be working rather than retired, and more likely to live outside a major city, than those recruited by other means.
Using the recruitment methods described, we successfully obtained a diverse and fairly representative sample of older Australians within the constraints of a convenience sample and on a modest budget. This research sheds light on ways to engage an under-served demographic in sexual health research. Our experience shows that many older adults are amenable to recruitment for online sexual health surveys using the approaches outlined.
Keywords: ageing, health promotion, internet survey, older adults, public health, recruitment, sexual health, survey methods.
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