Aspects associated with sexualised drug use among gay men and other men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study from the Latin America MSM Internet Survey 2018 – Chile
Cristian Lisboa Donoso

A MD School of Public Health, University of Chile, Av. Independencia 939, Santiago 8380000, Chile.
B PhD Epidemiology Program, School of Public Health, University of Chile, Av. Independencia 939, Santiago 8380000, Chile.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Sexual Health 17(6) 493-502
Submitted: 25 May 2020 Accepted: 30 September 2020 Published: 8 December 2020
Background: Sexualised drug use has attracted interest due to the role it could play in increasing exposure to the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections. It also carries risks inherent to substance use and may influence psychosocial factors. This study characterised sexualised drug use among Latin America MSM Internet Survey (LAMIS) respondents in Chile, in order to identify aspects associated with the phenomenon. Methods: LAMIS data were used to analyse: drug use (in any context, in sexual context and sexualised drug use), epidemiological aspects and psychosocial aspects. In addition, the associations between the sexualised drug use and these aspects were estimated. Results: The prevalence of sexualised drug use was 24% (n = 4945). The drugs most used in a sexual context (n = 3365) were cannabis, poppers and viagra. Cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and ketamine use were reported in sexual encounters with multiple partners. Living with HIV (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.92), having had sex with three or more casual partners in the past year (AOR = 2.02) and having engaged in sex without a condom with three or more casual partners in this period (AOR = 1.61) were aspects associated with sexualised drug use. Less social integration (AOR = 0.76) and internalised homonegativity (AOR = 0.85) were aspects associated with a decrease of possibility of practising sexual drug use. Conclusion: Sexualised drug use is an emerging phenomenon in Chile, whose complexity needs to be studied in all its dimensions to have a complete understanding of its effect on people’s health.
Keywords: chemsex, HIV, sexualised drug use, sexually transmissible infections.
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