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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Fungi and associated tree diseases in Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia

Zi-Qing Yuan

Australian Systematic Botany 9(3) 337 - 360
Published: 1996


A survey of fungal species occuil-ing on plants in Acacia and Eucalyptus seed production areas (SPAS) established at Yapilika, Melville Island, Northern Territory, as well as in the surrounding native vegetation was conducted. A total of 21 fungal species representing 18 genera of Ascomycotina (63.6%) and Deuteromycotina (36.4%) was collected. Among them, 10 species are newly recorded from Australia, Cryptovalsa cf. protracta, Dinemasporiuriz strigosum, Eutypella scoparia, Hypoxylon rubigineo-areolaturn, Leptosphaeria sp., Pestalotiopsis ncaciae, P. neglecta, Pseudocercospora sp., Rhytidhysteron rufuluin and Valsaria insitiva, and seven species are proposed as new: Botryosphaeria appendiculata, Coleophonza eucalypti, Hyponectria grevilleae, H. syzygii, Pseudocercospora erythrophlei, Stomiopeltis acaciae and Trichonectria syzygii. Most fungi collected in the survey are foliar pathogens. Leaf diseases of Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus pellita were commonly found in SPAs during the investigation. Most stem fungi were saprophytes. Only one, B. appendiculata, was found to be associated with dieback of Eucalyptus pellita. It is a potential stem canker pathogen of tropical eucalypts. Descriptions and illustrations for each new species and new Australian records are given.

© CSIRO 1996

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