Northern Australia Climate Program: supporting adaptation in rangeland grazing systems through more targeted climate forecasts, improved drought information and an innovative extension program
David Cobon

A University of Southern Queensland, Centre for Applied Climate Sciences and Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment, Toowoomba, Qld, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email:
The Rangeland Journal 43(3) 87-100
Submitted: 29 July 2020 Accepted: 23 July 2021 Published: 24 September 2021
Journal Compilation © Australian Rangeland Society 2021 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
The Northern Australia Climate Program (NACP) is a fully integrated research, development and extension (RDandE) program operating across extensive pastoral regions of northern Australia. The NACP aims to improve existing climate models and forecast tools, develop new products to meet user needs and build the capacity of rangeland producers to manage the challenges posed by droughts (or failed wet seasons) and climate variability.
Climate information gaps identified through earlier surveys of graziers and communities in rural and remote Australia informed the design of the research component of the NACP, which aims to address the low and variable accuracy of seasonal climate forecasts in many regions, the need for proof of value of forecasts and relevance of existing forecast systems and technologies, and perceived lack of effective support from climate experts for the use of climate resources and technologies in agricultural decision making. The development and extension components of the program aim to improve climate literacy and the use of climate information. Building on the research program, they deliver a climate service that provides local extension and technical support, with a focus on building trust in climate information through locally sourced, industry connected NACP trained and supported extension advisers called Climate Mates. Two-way information flow between decision makers and researchers, facilitated by the Climate Mates, ensures that forecasts and decision- and discussion-support tools developed through the program are regionally relevant and targeted to the needs of end users.
Monitoring and evaluation of the program indicates that this approach is contributing to positive outcomes in terms of awareness and knowledge of climate forecasting and products, and their adoption and use in decision making (i.e. practice change). In the longer term, the Climate Mates have potential for enduring impact beyond the program, leaving a knowledgeable and trusted climate resource across regional northern Australia.
Keywords: agricultural climate risk management, barriers to adoption, climate variability, climate services, decision support, resilience, seasonal climate forecasts.
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