Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 8 Number 4 1996
RD9960491Mammalian oocyte organelles with special reference to pleomorphic mitochondria and vacuole formation in marsupials
SL Ullmann and L Butcher
pp. 491-508
RD9960535Culture of preantral ovarian follicles in the grey, short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica
L Butcher and SL Ullmann
pp. 535-539
RD9960541A light microscopic study of oogenesis in the brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula
S Frankenberg, G Newell and L Selwood
pp. 541-546
RD9960553Regulation of the motility and metabolism of spermatozoa for storage in the epididymis of eutherian and marsupial mammals
RC Jones and RN Murdoch
pp. 553-568
RD9960569What marsupial gametes disclose about gamete function in eutherian mammals
JM Bedford
pp. 569-580
RD9960581Capacitation mechanisms, and the role of capacitation as seen in eutherian mammals
RA Harrison
pp. 581-594
RD9960595Capacitation and the acrosome reaction in marsupial spermatozoa
KE Mate and JC Rodger
pp. 595-603
RD9960645Variation in ultrastructure of mucoid coat and shell membrane secretion of a dasyurid marsupial
CT Roberts and WG Breed
pp. 645-648
RD9960661Hormones of oestrus and ovulation and their manipulation in marsupials
LA Hinds, TP Fletcher and JC Rodger
pp. 661-672
RD9960673Effect of cooling and cryopreservation on sperm motility and morphology of several species of marsupial
DA Taggart, CM Leigh, VR Steele, WG Breed, PD Temple-Smith and J Phelan
pp. 673-679
RD9960681Pellet-freezing spermatozoa of two marsupials: the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, and the brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
FC Molinia and JC Rodger
pp. 681-684
RD9960685Nutrient uptake and culture of Sminthopsis macroura (stripe-faced dunnart) embryos
DK Gardner, L Selwood and M Lane
pp. 685-690
RD9960725Cleavage in vivo and in vitro in the Marsupial Macropus eugenii
MB Renfree and AM Lewis
pp. 725-742
RD9960765Induction and differentiation of extra-embryonic mesoderm in the mouse
DM Boucher and RA Pedersen
pp. 765-777
RD9960779Fate-map analysis of the epiblast of the dasyurid marsupial Sminthopsis macroura (Gould)
YP Cruz, A Yousef and L Selwood
pp. 779-788
RD9960789Cloning, sequencing and expression of stem cell factor (c-kit ligand) cDNA of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
PJ Greenwood, C Seamer and DJ Tisdall
pp. 789-795
RD9960797Changes in structure of the trophectoderm of a marsupial in Mid-pregnancy up to the time of implantation
CT Roberts and WG Breed
pp. 797-802
RD9960819 Glycosaminoglycans of the uterine and vaginal cul-de-sac tissue in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
M Legge, BL Hill, GH Shackell and BJ McLeod
pp. 819-823