Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 8 Number 2 2002
PY02020Conceptions of Health and Illness Held by Australian Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Papua New Guinea Health Science Students
Gillian Boulton-Lewis, Hitendra Pillay, Lynn Wilss and David Lewis
pp. 9-16
PY02021Stress and Worry are Central issues for Indigenous Heart Attack Survivors in the Northern Territory
Michael A. Ong and Tarun S. Weeramanthri
pp. 17-20
PY02022A Public Health Initiative for Steroid Users in Victoria
Campbell Aitken and Cheryl Delalande
pp. 21-23
PY02023Improving Primary Health Care in Thailand: The Role of the National Medicinal Drug Policy
Souly Phanouvong, Simon Barraclough and Ken Harvey
pp. 24-30
PY02024Mental Health in Sri Lanka: Challenges for Primary Health Care
Sudarshini Fernandopulle, Neil Thalagala and Simon Barraclough
pp. 31-38
PY02025Can Health and Wellbeing Come in All Shapes and Sizes? Dieting: The Big Con. A Harm Minimisation Program
Susan Mann and Helen Harmer
pp. 39-47
PY02026Factors Related to the Mental Health of Elderly Chinese Immigrants in Australia
Cynthia Leung
pp. 48-53
PY02027Neonates' Birth Weight and Attitudinal Status of Primiparous Women in Hefei, China
Peng Bi, Shilu Tong and Kevin Parton
pp. 54-58
PY02028Work Stress and Quality of Work Performance in Australian General Practitioners
Helen R. Winefield and Bronwyn M. Veale
pp. 59-65
PY02029Driver Road Rule Knowledge and Attitudes towards Cyclists
Chris Rissel, Fiona Campbell, Bruce Ashley and Lisa Jackson
pp. 66-69
PY02030The Limits of Medicine and the Social Consequences for Sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Jaya Pinikahana, Geoff Holloway and Neville Millen
pp. 70-76
PY02031A Content Analysis of Contemporary Men's Health Books Marketed to the Health Professional
Tom A. Laws and Murray Drummond
pp. 77-80
PY02032Mere Tokenism or Best Practice: The Illawarra Division of General Practice Consumer Consultative Committee
David Perkins, Kate Senior and Alan Owen
pp. 81-87
PY02035Community Empowerment: Promoting the Safety and Minimising the Abuse of Older People
Beth Kingsley
pp. 98-101
PY02036Promoting Nutrition in Licensed Clubs: A Pilot Project
Danielle Weber, Mathew Dick, Li Ming Wen and Sue Amanatidis
pp. 102-104