Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 15 Number 2 2009
PY08054Evaluation of a geriatric day rehabilitation centre: subjective and objective outcomes in community-dwelling older adults
A. Foley, S. Hillier and R. Barnard
pp. 117-122
PY08056Strengthening primary health care and health promotion in Sri Lanka's schools: need for a comprehensive national policy
Umanga de Silva and Simon Barraclough
pp. 123-131
PY09004Do older people perceive cancer prevention and early detection to be worthwhile? Implications for prevention
Irene Ngune, Peter Howat, Bruce Maycock and Terry Slevin
pp. 139-145
PY08066Tobacco control practices among Aboriginal health professionals in Western Australia
Albert (Sonny) A. G. Pilkington, Owen B. J. Carter, Alexander S. Cameron and Sandra C. Thompson
pp. 152-158
PY09019Understanding help seeking for mental health in rural South Australia: thematic analytical study
Joanne E. Collins, Helen Winefield, Lynn Ward and Deborah Turnbull
pp. 159-165
PY08063Reintegrating young offenders into the community through discharge planning: a review of interventions and needs of youth in secure care
Anne Wilson and Phillip Tully
pp. 166-172
PY08062Consulting consumers to develop marketing and recruitment strategies for a diabetes prevention program
Dianne Berryman, Marie Gill, Jonathan Pietsch and Hannah Halloran
pp. 173-179
PYv15n2_BR1A Practice Manual for Community Nursing in Australia
Reviewed by Lindsay Carey and Priscilla Robinson
pp. 180-181
PYv15n2_BR2Community Nursing in Australia
Reviewed by Lindsay Carey and Priscilla Robinson
pp. 182-183