Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 17 Number 3 1964
PH640323Fan-beam Observations of Radio Sources at 21 cm Wavelength
NR Labrum, T Krishnan, WJ Payten and E Harting
pp. 323-339
PH640340The Parkes Catalogue of Radio Sources Declination Zone ?20° to ?60°
JG Bolton, FF Gardner and MB Mackey
pp. 323-339
PH640373Diurnal Variations in the Power Spectrum and Polarization of Telluric Currents at Conjugate Points, L = 2·6
KB Mather, EJ Gauss and GR Cresswell
pp. 340-388
PH640404Radial Velocities Associated with Selected Emission Nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud
BJ Bok, H Gollnow, JV Hindman and M Mowat
pp. 404-408
PH640409Geomagnetic and Ionospheric Effects at Brisbane Following the Nuclear Explosion on July 9, 1962
GG Bowman and JS Mainstone
pp. 409-417
PH640418Sodium Chloride Sensitizing of Far Ultraviolet Spectrum Plates
KM Burrows, JC Kelly and DE Ellis
pp. 418-419
PH640420Photoneutron Angular Distributions from Lead and Bismuth
FR Allum, TW Quirk and BM Spicer
pp. 420-422