Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 16 Number 4 1963
JJ Lowke and JA Rees
pp. 447-453
PH630490Determination of Diffusion Coefficients from Observations on Grenade Glow Clouds
ER Johnson and KH Lloyd
pp. 490-499
PH630514Distribution of Auroras in the Southern Hemisphere. III. Comparison with Northern Hemisphere
FR Bond and F Jacka
pp. 514-519
PH630545Observations of Galactic Radiation at 4ยท7 Mc/s
GRA Ellis, RJ Green and PA Hamilton
pp. 545-551
PH630552A Low Resolution Hydrogen-line Survey of the Magellanic System. I. Observations and Digital Reduction Procedures
JV Hindman, RX McGee, AWL Carter, ECJ Holmes and M Beard
pp. 552-569
PH630570A Low Resolution Hydrogen-line Survey of the Magellanic System. II. Interpretation of Results
JV Hindman, FJ Kerr and RX McGee
pp. 570-583
PH630584Swept?Frequency Radio Observations at the Time of the Nuclear Explosion over Johnston Island on July 9, 1962
KV Sheridan and J Joisce
pp. 584-585